Whole U Life

Clutter Cutter Challenge

Lesson 1

7 Steps to get rid of your clutter

Step 1: Identify your clutter -Identify the areas we have clutter in and take a snapshot of where you are now.

6 areas clutter can be hiding in your life

  • Head– Your mind can be cluttered with your thoughts, ideas, desires, and anything taking up mental space. Do a brain dump, which is called creating white space, take a sheet of paper or open up a note on your computer and just write all down or type it all out to clear your mind and then you can organize what you wrote later and begin taking action on those ideas and desires that serve you.
  • Heart– Identify emotions you need to let go of that’s holding you back, anger, fear, insecurities.
  • Body– What foods and activities do you need to let go of for a healthier body?
  • Home– What “stuff” can you get rid of in your home that’s adding too much clutter?
  • Digital– What cyber areas do you need to clean out? Email, social media, etc.
  • Commitments– What commitments can you get rid of, delegate or shorten?

Step 2: Feel your clutter -Tap into the feelings the clutter is causing you, what pain, what emotions is it causing you or your family. Identifying the things that the clutter is holding us back from.
Step 3: Prioritize your clutter -Prioritizing which areas are the most important to remove clutter.
Step 4: Create a plan to clear your clutter -How can break your clutter into manageable tasks.
Step 5: Take action and clear your clutter – Start the decluttering process.
Step 6: Commit to a habit that will keep your clutter clear -Do a little every day, deal with things as they come, like opening your mail immediately and deciding where it will go. Hang up clothes or put them in the hamper immediately. Choose designated day or days for laundry. Schedule seasonal deep cleaning days, etc.
Step 7: Identify your next area of clutter you will tackle

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