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Essential Self Care for the New Year

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One of my biggest lessons I learned was about my self-care, finding balance in caring for myself, caring for others, and all of the other responsibilities I have as a businesswoman and mother. It was a difficult lesson. I suffered the loss of a business, a pregnancy, and my health because I did not put my self-care first.

I had good intentions, I wanted to heal the world, be an excellent mother, a wonderful mate, a good friend, and a sound business person. But without my own self-care at the front of that, I crashed and burned.

Now I am setting more boundaries, not trying to always be superwoman, and setting myself up with daily self-care habits that are helping me to create a more vibrant healthy life that I love. Don’t get me wrong it’s not always easy and I sometimes slip back into old habits of putting other things first. But I’m gentle with myself and just keep getting back on the track until it becomes a habit on autopilot.

I created this Essential Self Care for the New Year Planning Workshop to give you the tools you need to put your self first and learn how to take excellent care of you. It is imperative. The underlying reason most of my clients especially woman are not their healthiest and suffer from illness and overwhelm is lack of self-care and balance.

During this Masterclass, you’ll learn…

  1. How to set up your self-care plan for the new year
  2. How to set your top health goals
  3. How to identify what’s holding you back from your best health
  4. How to overcome the blocks keeping you from vibrant health
  5. How to plan your food and movement schedule

*  This masterclass was from 2015 but still very relevant and timeless. You can substitute the current year anytime 2016 is used. 

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