Whole U Life

Lifeit Reset Compliments

Lesson 6

BREATHE DEEP – Breathing can be very invigorating and energizing, make sure that you go outside often, breathe deep and enjoy the fresh air, especially first thing in the morning.
MEDITATION – Find a quiet space to rest your mind and be refreshed and relaxed by stillness.
REHYDRATION – Being properly hydrated is very important; being that our body is mostly made of water. Dehydration is one of the causes of fatigue and other health conditions. Drink pure water, a good filter is best, instead of bottled water that can be housed in warehouses for long periods of time and be contaminated with harmful chemicals absorbed from the plastic that it sits in.
EXERCISE– Regular movement and stretching is good for getting the results for your body that you want, it energizes, and also reduces stress. Try walking, yoga, calisthenics, dancing, and any movement that you enjoy to get your blood circulating.
SUNSHINE – Many vitamins and minerals are available directly from the sun, Vitamin D being one of them. This is why some people practice the art of sun gazing to get the benefits of health from the sun.
REST & RELAXATION– Going to bed at reasonable hours and spending some time every day doing absolutely nothing will help make your days more efficient in the long run.
MASSAGE-Many benefits are associated with massage other than relaxation; it increases flexibility and circulation and reduces fatigue and anxiety. It also assists with toxin elimination.
CLEANSING AND DETOXIFICATION-There are so many toxins around us that we willingly put into our body, some that are in the air or absorbed by our skin. However we receive them we need to get them out regularly. There are many colon cleanses and methods to keep our bowels and blood, clean and flowing.
LAUGHTER & FUN– Laughter adds years to your life, so let your hair down and have some fun often.
EXPRESS YOURSELF– Say what you feel and start using positive affirmations.
ACCEPT YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS– Know that it is okay whatever state of being that we are presently in and accepting that state helps us to experience the least resistance.
USE NATURAL CLEANING PRODUCTS– Most common household products contain very harmful and cancer causing chemicals that are detrimental to your health, switch to safer greener versions even major chemical companies like Clorox are now putting out a safer greener product.
REDUCE TELEVISION– Limit the nutrition that you are receiving from your television set it can have a negative effect on you, not only because of negative electromagnetic energy and radiation, but be conscious of too much negativity (news) or violence.
REDUCE STRESS– Most of the activities on this list will assist you in stress reduction, such as rest, exercise, sunshine, and breathing, just do what you love, I’m sure that will help.
SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE – Declutter your environment, your outer environment is usually a reflection of your inner environment and vice a versa, so getting rid of clutter will also help you to think clearer and reduce stress.

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