Whole U Life

Lifeit Reset Welcome

Lesson 1

Welcome to the Lifeit Reset Renewal System and Congratulations on your major step towards health and vitality. In only 7 days this program can give you a quick boost of energy, help you drop a few extra pounds, and also introduce you to a healthier way of life. Just extend the time that you do the program to reach bigger health and weight goals.

Sometimes we need to push the reset button on our body and health, whether we have had a total body breakdown or just need to lose a few extra pounds. A body do-over of sorts is sometimes needed to restore our body back to its optimal state.

We are exposed to a lot of chemicals and toxins on a daily basis, more than any other generation. To the chemical-laden processed foods, the air we breathe, the clothes we wear, the water we drink, and the household chemicals we inhale, we are consuming high levels of toxicity daily. Not to mention all of the stress most of us encounter constantly. Then we find ourselves with a lack of energy, weight problems, can’t sleep, mood swings, inability to concentrate, headaches, aches and pains, skin problems, allergies, or worse life-threatening illnesses, and wonder how this happened to us.

We cannot control all of the toxins that we come in contact with at all times, but we can greatly reduce the amounts that we are exposed to; especially in the foods that we eat, which will have the greatest effect on our health. The body is a miraculous machine capable of healing and regenerating itself, if it is given the proper fuel to do so.

To restore our body back to an optimal state we must Cleanse, Nourish, and Maintain a healthy state of being. Cleanse – get rid of and release waste and toxins. Nourish – give your body essential nutrients for it to operate efficiently. Maintain – create lasting sustainable healthy habits that become second nature and a part of our daily routines.

This program will help you cleanse as well as nourish your body, and release negative emotions that are sabotaging your health. Perfection is not the goal, just keep taking consistent imperfect action towards your health and weight goals and you will win. So get committed, get focused, and let’s do this. I know you’re ready for the body and health you deserve.

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